
nix: faith
irl: tom
age: 32
sex: m

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29 yo graduate student in philosophy, currently located in Tampa, FL.

what i do

read, write, drink.

favorite books

Karl Marx, Capital Vol. 1

Robert Brandom, Making it Explicit

Ludwig Wittgenstein, "Philosophical Investigations"

G. F. W. Hegel, Phenomenology of Spirit

David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest

Hermann Hesse, Steppenwolf

Tom Robbins, Still Life with Woodpecker

Henry David Thoreau, Walden

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Home » Archives » March 2006 » It won't be tomorrow; it won't be next week, but . . .

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03/16/2006: "It won't be tomorrow; it won't be next week, but . . ."

"Fuck that. What do you think this is? You think I’m gonna call and let you know every time I go somewhere? Get a grip."


"Nobody, Nobody
will ever love you
the way I could love you
cause nobody's that strong"
-Tom Waits

Replies: 4 comments

on Friday, March 17th, Athena said:

Yr a fan of quoting Nietzsche. Here's one yu might want to consider:

It is nobler to declare oneself wrong than to insist on being right - especially when one is right.
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 - 1900), Thus Spoke Zarathustra

on Friday, March 17th, faith said:

The phrase "insist on being right" is not a good translation here. The German says "geben als Recht zu behalten," which signifies "the retaining of right." The word 'Recht' in the German singifies political rights or rules, (that is, in the in the legal sense, not 'stimmt' which is the synonym for "correct." The capital letter means the word is a noun, not an adjective.) This fits better the context of the entire passage, since it as a whole proclaims the glory of revenge, and the context and extent to which revenge is justified. Zarathustra tells a parable of being awoken to an adder biting him, and then engages in a discussion of justice and revenge for a wrong done unto you. Thus, this passage talks about the "establishing/retaining of the right [of revenge]."

Nietzche here is criticizing the Christian ethic of "turn the other cheek." (Mat. 5: 38-40) which he refers to as "cold justice." The serpent signifies Christian morality, and the entire section parodies the Sermon on the Mount ("It is nobler . . ." being a variation on "Blessed be . . . " in translation). The underlying idea is that it is better to seek revenge in proportion to the wrong, for if one seeks no revenge then the other person learns nothing. Just two sentences prior to this line you quote reads "A small revenge is humaner than no revenge at all." Indeed, when Zarathustra ends his parable of the adder, and is queried as to the 'moral of the story,' he flatly retorts that "my story is immoral." That is, not Christian morality, but rather the morality of vengance.

on Monday, March 20th, Christie said:

Man - don't fuck with Tom!! And I thought I was a bad ass when it came to tearing down the words of others’ and cramming it back in their faces.

Tom, I have to say that I think you are the only person better at this then myself - of course, my words flow more from passion, and they flow quickly. If I could just grasp onto some of that patience you have! But, it’s not my personality. I am fiery and impulsive. Nor do I have the philosophy background.

I really do love you very much. I am completely in love with you. You are, by far, the only man (or human) that I know I can look up to. The only person I know that has something to contribute to my enlightenment along the path of life. Nobody else even comes close to you. In fact, most people drain me and bore me to tears.

My friends get frustrated and ask me - "Christie, why do you only want Tom when you have all these other men around?" But I know why. I trust you. You are loyal - yes, to a fault, but it's a good thing. These 2 things are most important to me in a man. The other most important thing I look for in a man is an exceptional quality of some sort that I can admire. You are a great man with a great mind, and you are the only one I admire. No, you are not perfect, but there is no such thing as perfection in human beings. However, what you are is something remarkably incredible. How could I take another boyfriend knowing that you are still single? I can’t. I don’t want to. No one else means as much to me as you do, and I would rather be alone for the right reasons, then with someone and always wishing I could be with you. That is why my boyfriend went "bye bye" when you became single again. I just didn't want him anymore.

No other man is permitted in my heart or in my head but you.

Boy - I am really letting it all hang out today with this post!! But, like I always say, FUCK IT!!

I love you!!!

on Monday, March 20th, Christie, hours later said:

Yeah - I need to be careful with my outflow of information while on these pain killers and muscle relaxers! I just don't give a damn. Hah! Personally, however, I crack myself up.

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