
nix: faith
irl: tom
age: 32
sex: m

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29 yo graduate student in philosophy, currently located in Tampa, FL.

what i do

read, write, drink.

favorite books

Karl Marx, Capital Vol. 1

Robert Brandom, Making it Explicit

Ludwig Wittgenstein, "Philosophical Investigations"

G. F. W. Hegel, Phenomenology of Spirit

David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest

Hermann Hesse, Steppenwolf

Tom Robbins, Still Life with Woodpecker

Henry David Thoreau, Walden

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Home » Archives » March 2006 » Her Highness Speaketh

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03/28/2006: "Her Highness Speaketh"

When I got home yesterday afternoon I received an unexpected email from you-know-who, asking for certain set of bank statements from our joint account. Good thing I'm more organized than most think, eh?

It took me a while to collect the paperwork, and sent her an email telling her I could not fax them, I would have to scan and email them instead. Sure, her email was polite, but remembering my decision and trying to keep to my new moral maxim of only treating others only as well as they treat me (and also remembering that she's always nice when she wants something . . . until she gets it and then turns into a mega-bitch) I sent a short note asking if I was going to regret it. She was asking for a favor, for me to spend my time and energy, which is a rather "friendly" action on my part towards someone whom has now decided that she is my enemy. Little did I know, she expected it. No, not expected: she demanded it. All that was necessary was a simple "no" to my query--even if she didn't mean it--which would have gotten her the info as quickly as humanly possible. More flies with honey, eh? Well, she instead poured on the vinegar: she told me "it's not like you're donating yr [sic] liver. [Y]ou don't even have to be friendly about, just please do it." She made it clear that she was entitled to it, and would not treat me with any more respect or concern for it. Good incentive for action, eh? I was just supposed to "jump" because the queen said so. Typical. I wonder what it is like from her perspective, to actually see the world revolving around you.

Anyway, I thought long and hard, and finally ending up sending it. I decided to be the better person since--well, I am. But money in hand or not, this is the last favor I do for her. I should have just lied in the first place and said I didn't have it. But: you learn from these things. Next time I will.

Replies: 8 comments

on Tuesday, March 28th, Athena said:

God, your head is so skewed!

The reason you sent them was because I threatened to go barging into the apartment--that you still want me to pay for--that very night! You probably decided that it would be less hassle to just give me the damn things. [edited for grammar, spelling, and to make it appear like an English sentence]

on Tuesday, March 28th, Athena said:

BTW: Is there anyone on this earth who can promise you with impunity what you will or wont feel in the future. Give me a fucking break

on Tuesday, March 28th, faith said:

No, actually, I wasn't even home after I got off the phone with you. I went for a drive, and decided while I was out to send them to you. I sent them when I got home, independent of your emails. And, if I had planned to not give them to you, your being here in person would have changed nothing.

Also, you know damn well that's not what I was asking for: I didn't expect for you to be clairvoyant, only to be civil and courteous when you expect me to do something for you. But that, apparently, was way too much to ask.

More to the point, it's not even a matter of asking for something, it's just a simple matter of consistency. Don't be a bitch to me if you expect me to go out of my way to help you, or to do any type of favor on your behalf . . . how fucking hard is that to understand?

So: who's skewed?

on Wednesday, March 29th, Christie said:

Tom, couldn't Athena have gone to the bank to get this information?? Or is the account only in your name?

I guess it is easier for her to get you to do the work. As well, she gets to fuck with your head a little bit more.

on Wednesday, March 29th, Athena said:


So did Tom ever tell you that "Sara" was really me? When you thought I wasn't me you liked me. Funny.

on Wednesday, March 29th, Christie said:

Yeah Athena, I found out. After all, she did disappear now, didn't she?

Lying to someone isn't something that you should find amusing - unless you have a sociopathic personality disorder - which may very well be the case. I can't really say since I've never had the pleasure of psycho-analyzing you in person.

Otherwise, lying and concealing you identity only serves to reinforce the fact that you are immature, sneaky and distrustful.

Are you proud of yourself now?

on Wednesday, March 29th, Christie said:

Wait a minute Athena - YES, you do fit the criteria for Antisocial (Sociopathic) Personality Disorder. According to the DSM-IV, you only need 3 criterion out of 7, and I've already got those 3 on you without even having to sit down with you in person.

Criterion (2) Deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure. Criterion (6) Consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failures to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations. Criterion (7) lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another.

There are some other ones that also fit, but I'll save you a little humility. For now, at least.

on Thursday, March 30th, Athena said:

Cool. smile

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