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29 yo graduate student in philosophy, currently located in Tampa, FL.

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Karl Marx, Capital Vol. 1

Robert Brandom, Making it Explicit

Ludwig Wittgenstein, "Philosophical Investigations"

G. F. W. Hegel, Phenomenology of Spirit

David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest

Hermann Hesse, Steppenwolf

Tom Robbins, Still Life with Woodpecker

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Home » Archives » April 2006 » Hardcore still lives

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04/12/2006: "Hardcore still lives"

Madball was killer last night. A lot of their set was new material, and I don't know the new stuff so well, but they did play "Demonstrating My Style," "5-0" and (of course) "Set it Off!"

Zao dropped of the bill a few weeks ago, since the singer broke his hand. So, they played with three young, lesser known bands (Remembering Never, Scarlet and The Banner). I didn't really like any of them so much. The Banner was cool--heavy with lots of additide--but a bit sloppy, and the changes were a bit confusing. Scarlet sounded kinda like they were going for something like Isis but with the emo thing mixed in. I think they are what the kids are calling "screamo." (Correct me if i'm wrong, I don't listen to much of anything recorded after 1994). And, I didn't much care for the headliner: Remembering Never. Sloppy, and kinda confused; and yet somehow too cerebral. The singer spent more time explaining what each song means than the song lasted. At my complaints to that effect, Phil quipped "That's what you get when you have a message."

"What?" you say? "The Headliner? But, Madball was founded in 1988, and they are playing under a bunch of kids?" That's right . . . Madball's not about the spotlight; they prove themselves on stage. And last night they did just that. But, I digress.

There were gaggles of emo kids there, dripping with piercings and hair products. They were all there for the support acts, and it was irritating just being around them. Castle Phil and Chris, a guy I knew from the Mug, were up there and we ended up chatting for a bit. But since I was there by myself (I think this is the first time since I moved to Tampa that I've gone to a show alone), I ended up people-watching most of the time. Overheard in NY? Screw that: Overheard at a neo-hardcore show! That could be its own website.

An emo kid, explaining to another: "Madball? They're kinda like Sick of it All, only older."

Emo Girl: "You heard of Agnostic Front?"
Emo Guy: "No. Are they hardcore?"

And my personal favorite is when the signer of The Banner asked a kid in the front row, who had been singing along with every word, what he wanted the band to play:

Singer: What do you want to hear?"
Kid: "You already played it"
Singer: "Pick something else."
Kid . . .
Singer . . .
Kid . . .
Singer: "OK, we'll come back to you."

Fun night. Hardcore pride, indeed!

Replies: 1 comment

on Wednesday, April 12th, Christie said:

You wild man!

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