
nix: faith
irl: tom
age: 32
sex: m

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who i am

29 yo graduate student in philosophy, currently located in Tampa, FL.

what i do

read, write, drink.

favorite books

Karl Marx, Capital Vol. 1

Robert Brandom, Making it Explicit

Ludwig Wittgenstein, "Philosophical Investigations"

G. F. W. Hegel, Phenomenology of Spirit

David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest

Hermann Hesse, Steppenwolf

Tom Robbins, Still Life with Woodpecker

Henry David Thoreau, Walden

about this site

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10.15.2006: Sorry! Blame the asshole.

I will be disallowing comments on future posts until our persistant and irritating new visitor gets tired of his little game and goes away; or at least, until I get a chance to re-code the site to include some stricter security.

And to our pigheaded and apparently logically inept "new" visitor: I hope that you created (or, more likely merely downloaded) a bot to re-post, because if not you really need to find a hobby. Or perhaps a friend. You've become my mission, motherfucker. Laugh now while you can. Because you were sloppy, and I have a local IP address--


posted by faith on 10.15.06 @ 11:32 am EST

10.07.2006: New Rules

If you're intent upon be wrong, that's OK. A lot of people are wrong, myself included. It's even alright sometimes when one continues to insist that you're right when in fact you're wrong, as that shows moxy. But when a simple argument shows that you're wrong, I hope that most would have the abilities to see the logic for what it is. If you add to that snide remarks about my intelligence, you are asking for the flood gates to open. At that point, I'm no longer responsible. When you comment here, you are 'playing with the big dogs.' I bite when provoked.

Myself and those whom I know that have run that gauntlet known as graduate studies (despite my 'small brain'--so eloquently put: that was Milton, right? Or Yates?) have known that one must get dumped on by people who know more than we do. It's part of the process. Argument for argument's sake is tiring. Again: if you cannot listen to reason, then there's not much here for you. Fortunately, most of my frequent visitors all have or are working on advanced degrees (including myself, jason., Hud, Sporky, Ophelia, and Miashell). But, apparently not all of them.

I know it's easier to hide behind the safety of a pseudonym. However, I suspect that this whole long exchange recently was the result of one perpetual offender; and if the policy is being abused it's the fault of the policy, not the abuser. So, long story short: identify yourself when you comment. You don't need to give your home address and telephone number, or even an email. But perhaps a real name which could tell me who you are, rather than some usually not-so-clever nickname. Especially frustrating is when you change identities in the middle of a conversation (which is it: Nietzsche? Russell? Cookie Monster?)

So, the rule: if you are going to post anything inflamatory, use your name. If not, your post will be deleted and you will lose the frustrating joy that is your future education on matters philosophical, grammatical, etc. That means you, and I think you know who you are.

My site, my rules. Don't like it? Code your own site where you only use adverbs to modify nouns. That would be really.


posted by faith on 10.07.06 @ 08:25 pm EST

all code, images, and content This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License, 2004-10 unless otherwise noted. you may use any part of this site for your own non-commercial use by 1) and acknowledgement and 2) a link to this site wherever it is used.


Cocktails and Pain: R.I.P.

Chris Donovan dot Com: Chris Donovan has been taking digital arts in new directions, and is an all-around swell dude.

Vague Angel's blog: A bottle of Jack and a thesaurus can go a long way.


Open Office: I swear by this program, as a (better) substitute for ms office

GIMP: all graphics in this site made with gimp, a substitute for photoshop

Firefox: There's really just no reason to use IE.


Slashdot:If you have to ask, you'll never know.

Guerrilla News Network:a cool up and coming radical site

The Economist: A right-of-center British magazine that uniquely takes political economy as seriously as it should.

my idea of fun

The Onion: A must for anyone who is coming to terms with our American social milieu

Piled Higher and Deeper: He feels my pain.


Epistemelinks: All things philosophy

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: a good, free research tool

American Philosophical Association: the organization of the industry of philosophy in the US.


Adbusters: because all humor is gallows humor

MoveOn: Anything that pisses off the right-wingers with as much frequency and intensity as this PAC is worth linking.

what I've been listening to