
nix: faith
irl: tom
age: 32
sex: m

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who i am

29 yo graduate student in philosophy, currently located in Tampa, FL.

what i do

read, write, drink.

favorite books

Karl Marx, Capital Vol. 1

Robert Brandom, Making it Explicit

Ludwig Wittgenstein, "Philosophical Investigations"

G. F. W. Hegel, Phenomenology of Spirit

David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest

Hermann Hesse, Steppenwolf

Tom Robbins, Still Life with Woodpecker

Henry David Thoreau, Walden

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Home » Archives » March 2006 » a few good days [edited]

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03/04/2006: "a few good days [edited]"

The past few days have been good ones. I saw the ex a few times, but seeing her is not getting me down anymore. We're "friendly" now, sort of--well, we're civil. I'm still very mad at her, and she still thinks little of me and the value of my love, but so it is. I still love her and still care about her feelings and well-being, regardless what she thinks of me.

I went out Thursday night. I met a girl, but I think I've already screwed it up. (She sent me a text message that she cannot call because her phone is not letting her send/receive calls. Hmmm . . . ) I was hung-over Friday and thus didn't get much done yesterday. So, that means it today and tomorrow must be work days. I have papers to grade, and I want to finish reading that damn Kenny book on Wittgenstein. I'm skipping over the Tractatus commentary, and moving right to the middle and later works. Gotta read the Manifesto too ("Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.")

I need to write over the next few weeks. I'm only teaching two days per week for the next two weeks, so I hope to have a good amount of work time in order to show drafts of these two chapters to my co-chairs soon. What I have written is extraordinarily rough right now. No flow, no continuity, just some scattered thoughts. I figure if I can get 20-25 pages of ruminations, that should become a chapter pretty easily by the very process of cleaning it up and polishing it.

The last few days have been good ones. Here's to the next few days being good ones as well. Cheers!

Replies: 4 comments

on Saturday, March 4th, Michelle said:

So glad to hear things are looking up for you. And, hey, it *could* be her ceel phone- I've had weirdo cell phone problems in the past, including losing peoples messages. So it DOES happen. wink

on Sunday, March 5th, Christie said:

I like the first paragraph - very raw honesty.

Regarding the second paragraph - I want to strangle you when you say things like "I think I've already screwed it up". Think about it.... you are making yourself into an egocentric martyr when you automatically assume all that responsibility for other peoples actions (and electronic appliances).

I'll let you live for now, however, since you are having good days razz

on Sunday, March 5th, athena said:

I don't think little of yu. I'm afraid of starting something that will lead to more heart ache and sadness

on Monday, March 6th, faith said:

That's what I meant by "thinks little of . . . the value of my love."

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