
nix: faith
irl: tom
age: 32
sex: m

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who i am

29 yo graduate student in philosophy, currently located in Tampa, FL.

what i do

read, write, drink.

favorite books

Karl Marx, Capital Vol. 1

Robert Brandom, Making it Explicit

Ludwig Wittgenstein, "Philosophical Investigations"

G. F. W. Hegel, Phenomenology of Spirit

David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest

Hermann Hesse, Steppenwolf

Tom Robbins, Still Life with Woodpecker

Henry David Thoreau, Walden

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Home » Archives » July 2006 » Reclaiming myself from that which was not my own

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07/15/2006: "Reclaiming myself from that which was not my own"

I tried to quit smoking Friday last week; I got the patch and everything. I ended up breaking down Sunday night. I'm still committted to quitting this summer, but perhaps this is just not the time.

I've got a lot of stress right now (he said, rationalizing). My first batch of Marx papers rolls in on Tuesday. That should make for a complicated week.

Also: I'm moving. Not soon, but right now. The landlord gave me the key last week, and I've been taking over a carload at a time beginning with the bulk of the books I am not currently using. My place already looks like a shell of what it was. I'm getting a truck this weekend to get the big things and I should be living elsewhere a week from today. Then I've got to clean and paint and fix all the shit that my ex and our former roomate broke, colored, or otherwise embellished. Remind me never to live with anyone else. Ever.

The place I'm moving into is smaller than the place in which I am currently. That means I need to make some decisions on what goes will go with me, and what goes in the trash. I've acquired quite a lot of stuff in the misguided process of 'nesting' I've been undergoing over the past three years. Time to clear it all out, and get back to the basics. Biologically speaking, new environment means a new organism. Soon I will be reborn with a new strength and a new purpose. And without the bourgeois trappings that were never my own.

Replies: 3 comments

on Saturday, July 15th, Nix said:

Good luck on the moving

I keep waiting for you to sound happy...

on Sunday, July 16th, sporky said:

moving sucks, but yes---you'll reclaim yourself. as fro sorting through shit--if its not yours ditch it, if you haven't used it in six months (except books) ditch it. If it has sat around so long it has its own digestive system and/or legs--quietly release it to the everglades---those snakes could use food other then gators....

on Sunday, July 16th, Jason. said:

Quitting smoking: start doing some physical activity. You don't need to be hardcore about it, but running a couple of miles in the morning means that you can't smoke a couple of packs at night. It's the same with lifting, if that's your interest. Difficult to bench the equivalent of a girl when your lungs are shot.

And re: moving, I like what sporky's said. Digitize the music and the movies. If it hangs on the wall and you haven't looked at it in a month, store it or sell it. (Unless it's a degree, in which case, nail it to your office wall.)

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