
nix: faith
irl: tom
age: 32
sex: m

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who i am

29 yo graduate student in philosophy, currently located in Tampa, FL.

what i do

read, write, drink.

favorite books

Karl Marx, Capital Vol. 1

Robert Brandom, Making it Explicit

Ludwig Wittgenstein, "Philosophical Investigations"

G. F. W. Hegel, Phenomenology of Spirit

David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest

Hermann Hesse, Steppenwolf

Tom Robbins, Still Life with Woodpecker

Henry David Thoreau, Walden

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Home » Archives » January 2006 » Caveats

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01/30/2006: "Caveats"

Christie's recent response to my post of the 28th contained much truth; therein, I thought I'd enliven everyone with some points concerning my new found freedom.

Here are a dozen things that are cool about being single:

1. No one upset (and/or calling constantly) when you decide to stay in the office late.

2. My grocery bill has plummetted to 25% of what it usually is.

3. I don't have to watch "Grey's Anatomy" or "Mew Mew Power" any longer.

4. Following from 3, I have a great deal more space on the Tivo for things like A-Team reruns.

5. I can smoke in the house.

6. No surprise visit to the "in-laws" (even though, admittedly, her mother is pretty cool).

7. I can leave my pile of research in one place, and it stays in that place.

8. My bathroom is no longer cluttered by "products" and tampons and miscellaneous clutter.

9. I can put beer in the fridge, and it's there the next day.

10. I have lots more time to work.

11. More space in the bed; I can sleep sideways, diagonal, or even upside down.

12. I can walk around naked in the house.

If it wasn't so lonely, I probably would never get in a relationship ever again. And since I'll be leaving Tampa in two years or so for a faculty position at an elite liberal arts school (and an accompanying starting salary in the 40's), I may not. I'll be getting out of this town, leaving the Nascar, the hee-haw Garth Brooks, and all the Florida-women behind (to quote Chioke, "A ho is a ho.")

Unless, of course I can find someone perfect. And, at this point, I will settle for nothing less.

Replies: 1 comment

on Tuesday, January 31st, Christie said:

There you go! You got it now!!! And I bet it does feel good to see it finally, doesn't it??? As well, you only listened ten out of all the good things about being single. I like being able to do what I want, when I want, and not having to answer to anyone (except my own conscious).

I hate to not be able to praise all of your words - however, please try to keep from clumping me in with the rest of your negativity about Florida-women. I may be a native, but I ain't no Florida Cracker! I gots my edumaketion, decent credik, and big ta-tas! Hah! rolls eyes

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